INESCC – UC recognized as the most productive International Institution on the study and use of UAVs for mapping marine litter

Abstract The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in many fields of expertise has increased over recent years. As such, UAVs used for monitoring coastline changes are also becoming more frequent, more practical, and more effective, whether for conducting academic work or for business and administrative activities. This study thus addresses the use of unmanned […]
INESCC was present at the event Coimbra Invest Summit 2023 with two distinct works: Management of Electric Bus Fleets and Unmanned Aerial Systems for marine litter coastal mapping

Investigadores INESCC reconhecidos pelo seu trabalho no combate ao lixo marinho

Cientistas de Coimbra combatem lixo marinho no Japão com drones e IACom um drone equipado com uma câmara digital que voa a uma altitude de 20 metros, os investigadores detectam e identificam o lixo em imagens utilizando métodos “manuais e automáticos baseados em IA”. Ver mais
INESCC @ Tech4innov: o Presente e o Futuro da Inovação, 29/03/2023, Europarque, Santa Maria da Feira

Reuniu, em Tóquio, um grupo de peritos de renome internacional, incluindo 2 investigadores INESCC, para definirem com precisão as diretrizes que serão utilizadas neste país na monitorização do lixo marinho

Workshop sobre gestão de dados em incêndios florestais

INESCC Researchers Gil Gonçalves and Umberto Andriolo invited to participate in “International Expert Meetings on Marine Plastic Monitoring Methods by using remote sensing technologies”

Artigo de investigadores do INESCC venceu Prémio Isabel Themido atribuído no Congresso da APDIO

Highlights Abstract In this paper, a deterministic bounding procedure for the global optimization of a mixed-integer bi-level programming problem is proposed. The aim has been to develop an efficient algorithm to deal with a case study in the electricity retail market. In this problem, an electricity retailer wants to define a time-of-use tariff structure to […]
“World’s Top 2% Scientists 2022” divulgada pelo grupo editorial Elsevier. Professor Carlos Henggeler Antunes faz parte desta lista.

A Universidade de Coimbra tem 55 cientistas na lista “World’s Top 2% Scientists 2022” divulgada pelo grupo editorial Elsevier. A lista inclui 200 mil cientistas, 763 pertencentes a instituições portuguesas. Os nomes de cientistas da Universidade de Coimbra que constam na lista “World’s Top 2% Scientists 2022” são (por ordem alfabética): Abílio J.F.N. Sobral, Altino Loureiro, Amílcar […]
Prémios Europeus EUSEW2022. No seguimento da atribuição do prémio EUSEW na categoria “Women in Energy”, Andreia Carreiro, antiga investigadora do INESC Coimbra e antiga aluna da UC, foi a vencedora

Four of the best European clean energy projects and leaders won European Sustainable Energy Awards 2022 in their respective categories – Innovation, Local Energy Action, Woman in Energy and Young Energy Trailblazer. While the finalists were chosen by a high-level jury from a shortlist of the year’s most successful projects and actions for clean, secure and efficient energy, the winners were decided […]