INESCC @ Tech4innov: o Presente e o Futuro da Inovação, 29/03/2023, Europarque, Santa Maria da Feira
Deteção, geolocalização e monitorização de incêndios florestais – Workshop híbrido
Reuniu, em Tóquio, um grupo de peritos de renome internacional, incluindo 2 investigadores INESCC, para definirem com precisão as diretrizes que serão utilizadas neste país na monitorização do lixo marinho
INESC Brussels HUB Winter Meeting – 30 & 31 January (Hybrid meeting)
This edition of the HUB Winter Meeting will take place on the 30 and 31 January, in Lisbon, at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Please see below a description of the different workshops and roundtables organized along the two days of the Winter Meeting and don’t forget to register as […]
PhD candidate position Behavioral Operations Research and multi objective optimization in residential energy management systems
RAMOO 2022, September 15, 2022, Coimbra, Portugal
General Information The workshop “Recent Advances in Multi-Objective Optimization” focuses on latest advances in exact methods in multi-objective (mixed) integer optimization. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): The workshop aims at fostering technical discussions and interactions between the workshop attendees. Young researchers (master and doctoral students) as well as senior researchers (academic researchers […]