Self-financing Projects

Title: OSE – Optimiztion in energy systems

Principal investigator: Carlos Henggeler

Dates start/end: 2017 / —-


Development of optimization models and algorithms, based on mathematical programming and meta-heuristics, for problems in the energy sector, namely those associated with demand response in the residential/small service segment, integrated management of energy resources (grid, microgeneration, storage, loads), role of an aggregator entity capable of providing ancillary services to grid operators, capacity markets, impacts on the distribution network.

Title: OPTIRED – Optimal managent of electrical networks

Principal investigator: Luis Neves

Dates start/end: 2017 / —-


Study of interventions on the electric grid aiming the optimization of its management, including: distributed generation and its impact on networks; optimal location and management of storage; solutions for supplying energy in rural areas and to isolated grids; micro-grid management; services for energy consumption management.

Title: GICP&AD – Integrated management of consumption and dispersed generation and storage

Principal investigator: Humberto Jorge

Dates start/end: 2017 / —-


Development of approaches for the integrated managementof consumption (Demand Response) as well as dispersed generation and storage, as a way to improve pthe integration of intermittent renewable energy sources, reducing the impact in the quality of energy distributed by the grid. Development of approaches for the integrated management of resources  to constitute virtual power plants, considering the aggregation of consumption flexibility, as well as the production and storage intallations with geographical proximity to supply ancillary services or support to the management of local distribution networks.

Title: ETXExop – Study of tecchnologies for the production of exhibition modules in museological context

Principal investigator: Carlos Neves

Dates start/end: 2017 / —-


Study and test of enabling technologies for the design and construction of interactive modules to be used in museums or similar contexts. The project aims to explore new development paths and test technologies to enlarge the available options in the future design and construction of new exhibitions and modules.

Title: EA4EE – Enhancing the potential of energy audits to improve energy efficiency

Principal investigator: Hermano Bernardo

Dates start/end: 2017 / —-


This project aims at studying innovative ways of using energy auditing techniques as a driver for improving energy efficiency in buildings and industrial facilities.

Title: Behave – Energy behaviours as promoters of end-use energy efficiency

Principal investigator: Marta Lopes

Dates start/end: 2017 / —-


The behavioural dimension is currently recognised as a key factor in promoting end-use energy efficiency, particularly in smart grids. Continuing the research initiated with the PhD thesis on energy behaviours, this project aims to further develop the multidisciplinary approaches and to consolidate relations with international teams in this field to create further research and consulting opportunities through national and international R&D projects. 

Title: AE-IGeo – Acquisition and exploitation of geospatial information

Principal investigator: Cidália Fonte

Dates start/end: 2017 / —-


The project aims to support research in the field of geospatial data acquisition and the development of methodologies for extracting information from these data. In particular, it intends to explore the use of geospatial data created by citizens, assessing their applicability for scientific use and developing methodologies to assess their quality, and the extraction of 3D information from data collected by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles ( VANT).

Title: RECOR – Resilient communication networks

Principal investigator: Teresa Gomes

Dates start/end: 2017 / —-


Communication networks are one of the critical infrastructures of our society depends, so it is imperative that they are highly available and resistant to failures. In particular, networks need to ensure that the connections between the node pairs involved in critical services are highly available. Approaches that allow to improve the quality of network resilience, namely routing algorithms with protection, or modification of the network topology in order to increase its resistance to failures,  will be studied.

Title: IRG16 – Formulation and resolution of bicriteria network routing problems

Principal investigator: Rita Girão Silva

Dates start/end: 2017 / —-


This project aims at tackling a bicriteria optimization problem regarding point-to-multipoint and multipoint-to-multipoint connections in telecommunication networks. This type of problem is relevant in today’s networks due to the growing demand for broadcast and multicast services. The performance metrics in these networks are multidimensional and often conflicting. The problem will be formulated as a Steiner tree problem, with a subset of nodes that must be in the tree and the remaining as possible intermediate nodes in the connections. This project is a collaboration with Lúcia Martins, PhD, who has developed an extensive work in this field in recent years. 

Title: SusMob – Sustainable Mobility

Principal investigator: Paulo Pereirinha

Dates start/end: 2017 / —-


This project is part of the continuity of the activities of the FCT MESMO-EV project and the IEEE VPPC2014 conference, maintaining the concern to contribute to a more sustainable mobility, in particular through electric propulsion in vehicles. Thus, the main objectives are:

  1. Enhance the simulation and emulation capability with hardware-in-the-loop of electric vehicle power and traction systems, including multiple energy sources and charging management.
  2. To seek and strengthen collaboration in this area with groups of foreign institutions, namely the University of Lille, University of Oviedo and the University of Vigo;
  3. Maintaining the visibility and collaboration of INESCC in this area, namely through:
  • Its representation in the Portuguese Electric Vehicle Association (APVE), in the Technical Electrotechnical Standardization Commission, CTE 69 – “Electrical Systems for Electric Road Vehicles” and Technical Commission CT 146 – “Electric Road Vehicles”.
  • Submission of articles and communications and participation in international conferences of reference in the area of sustainable mobility.
  • Participation in scientific commissions of conferences and organization of special editions of reference journals.
  • Participation in the evaluation of national and international projects.

Title: FUGIRE – Follow-Up: Integrated management of energy resources

Principal investigator: Álvaro Gomes

Dates start/end: 2017 / —-


A perspectiva identificada é que o interesse na gestão integrada de recursos energéticos, com objectivos diversificados e a diferentes níveis da rede, se vai intensificar e vai continuar a evoluir no sentido de uma cada vez maior possibilidade de participação e controlabilidade de recursos até aqui considerados estáticos ou até inexistentes. Os objetivos perspectivados com as diferentes transacções de recursos que podem occorrer, podem estar relacionados com a possível contribuição para a gestão do sistema, através de transacções de recursos com potencial de contribuição para o ajuste procura / geração ou outros serviços de sistema; ou estar focados em diferentes entidades, seja um comercializador / agregador ou um consumidor final. Há vertentes nestas tipologias que podem ser desenvolvidas a diferentes níveis de agregação da rede. O desenvolvimento de algoritmos adequados para essa gestão diversificada numa grid of things passa pelo uso de modelos e ferramentas adequadas. Devendo, nomeadamente, ser capazes de identificar, com a resolução temporal adequada e em tempo útil o valor do recurso disponível ou passível de ser disponibilizado, quer de forma individual quer agregada. Devido à necessidade do uso de modelos adequados na identificação de recursos, são indicadas algumas tarefas, prévias ao desenvolvimento dos algoritmos de gestão, que passam pela alteração e adequação de alguns dos modelos existentes e /ou desenvolvimento de novos. Nomeadamente: 1) actualização dos modelos: resolução temporal flexível; 2) identificação de recursos controláveis com recurso aos modelos atualizados e outros, nomeadamente recorrendo a redes neuronais, com estudos de caso vários.

Title: Development of forecasting models for agricultural goods

Principal investigator: Joana Dias

Dates start/end: 2018 / —-



Title: Study of the impact of electricity generation renewable sources on the national economy

Principal investigator: Patrícia Pereira da Silva

Dates start/end: 2018 / —-
